Beautiful venue , nice organization , but not good weather host last event of PGAWC in Taiwan.In spite of bad weather, 71 pilots from 13 different countries rich 5 rounds .Winners are Zhifeng Zhu from China on first place , Nunnapat Phuchong from Thailand like female in overall was second and third place shared by Aris Afriansyah from Indonesia and Goran Djurkovic from Serbia. In female first was Nunnapat Phuchong from Thailand , second Andriana Lis from Indonesia and third Nofrica Yanti from Indonesia too. Teams ranking is First place MG Mivela,second Thailand Team and third Taiwan team. Overall for 2016 fist place belong to Goran Djurkovic from Serbia and for female to Marketa Tomaskova from Czech Republic. The best team for 2016 is MG Mivela from Serbia. As you know this year we will have Superfinal in China.After confirmation their names will be publish later.