Dear Pilots , After almost one year we are again in front of posibilliteis to organize PGAWC events. Like we said this events will be in second part of the year due to COVID 19 and we hope till that, [...]
Dear Pilots , As you see COVID 19 not give up but we hope it will be possible to organize competition in second half of 2021. Till now we have two potential organizer , who already send bid ,for PGAWC [...]
Dear Organiers , We stay behind our previous decision about 2021 season for PGAWC events.On that way we want to invite you to give offer for organizing two events in Asia and two in Europe in 2021 year. We expect [...]
Dear Folks , As you see COVID-19 is stronger what we expected so definitely there will be not any competition behalf of PGAWC this year. We will contact organizers from 2020 year who want and possible to organize competition in [...]
Dear Pilots , Due to increasing COVID 19 infections we decided to cancel all 2020 season after China's decision to forbid all sport events in 2020. We will contact all organizer from this year to confirm events for next year [...]
PGAWC competitions in Portugal and Austria have been canceled. Information on the continuation of the season will be given by mid-July.
We are extremely sorry but, given the health security measures which will continue to evolve, it has been decided to cancel all competitions until further notice. Under these conditions we announce that the first round of the PGAWC TOUR 2020 [...]
We apologize to all pilots, because competition in India for World Cup (PGAWC) will not count as World Cup points. The NAC of India set up his own team rather than the PGAWC Team proposed , so no agreement was [...]
Due to problems between the organizer and NAC India, the first PGAWC cmpetition in India it is not yet CONFIRMED. The final decision will be Friday. Stay tuned, we will let you know !